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Lost Paypal Order

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    Lost Paypal Order

    I have just received a payment via Paypal for an order I have not received.

    On the last order download there was a statement about an aborted order!

    Is this something anyone else has experienced?

    Mandrake Press Ltd.
    Actinic user since 1998

    Sorry if this is stating the obvious but I assume it isn't in your "Payments pending" folder/tab then?
    If so, and it's the correct order matched (by order reference) to the Paypal payment, can you not just add the payment onto the order?
    Obvuiously no help if you do not have this order in any shape or form (pending or otherwise!)
    I do very occasionally get (Paypal and Protx) orders downloaded that do not retrieve the payment details but HAVE received payments.
    I guess, if it's isn't "pending" then you need to contact the customer for thei order details (I've had to do this before too!)
    It can't have been *that* abandoned (as your Acinic message implied) if it went right through to the payments pages, can it?
    Very odd!
    Tracey (prob no help at all!)


      The order was lost totally.

      I have since got a copy of the e-mail from the customer and have now set Actinic to send me a copy of every customers order confirmation e-mail.

      I think the message said something about the order may have been in progress (at the payment stage) . . . if so this is a bug that needs fixing promptly!

      Mandrake Press Ltd.
      Actinic user since 1998


        I never use anything other than the pending tab for orders . . .

        But Tracey's post propmted me to check the other tabs . . . the missing order had been retrieved and placed in Pending Payment Service Provider

        Mandrake Press Ltd.
        Actinic user since 1998


          That's the tab I meant!
          Should have checked Actinic to see what it was actually called (I just called it the "payment pending tab") before I posted.
          Glad you found it anyway
          I get loads of these thanks to customers changing their mind or having cards declined.
          Mind you, never used to get any on Chariots as I used the Java excryption to collect the details and didn't offer any other payment methods (other than card details sent separately)
          Get lods for BB... pregnant women can be very fickle


