ok..stab in the dark..
Are the options chosen in the cart (dinner plate etc) choices or master products?
If they are made up of choices (components>attributes and then choices, if you see what I mean?) then check that your master product has either
1) The products price of "0. With the associated product or component prices as £7.20 and the product pricing model set to "sum of component prices"
2) Product price £7.20 and product pricing model set to "product price"
(doesn't matter what the associated product price is) Obviously this option is no good if you have choice dependant pricing.
It's possible that you have the product prices set at £7.20 AND the associated products price (the choice) set at £7.20 AND you have the product pricing model set as "sum of product and component prices"
This can give the result you have (which has effectively added an extra 6 x 7.20)
It's also possible that you don't use components etc and this is all garbage but it's happened to me before so I thought I'd offer it as an option!!
Oh, must add... it's also popsible that the above made no sense at all ( difficult for my novice brain to put it into words) but someone with more experience might be able to put it so it is more understandable!
Very strange.
I just did a test. On confirmation of the 4th item, the total was fine (Actinic then "bounced" onto the main catalogue page again
Upon entering the "View Cart" stage, the firts item total was duplicated.
In fact, even whe only adding one item to the cart, it is doubling the total cost after confirmation (doesn't always show in the on screen cart total until you actually visit the cart though)
I've no idea, sorry.
Except it's not related to the number of tiems in the cart.
Regardless of how many there are, it's doubling the first orderline value (but not quantity)
Hope someone else can sort it for you
Just been on the phone with support - it seems to be a problem when requesting shipping information early - I have unchecked this option and now all seems to be fine.