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UK Only Orders & Shipping

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    UK Only Orders & Shipping


    I have our site set up ( with simple tax and simple shipping. We only wish to accept orders & ship to the UK at present.

    As far as I can see we can Limit Location in
    Business Settings > Payment and Security for online payments, however this option means we get a "Ship to separate delivery address:" option that we don't want for security reasons and it also adds another step to the checkout process.

    Any way around this?



    Hi Andy

    Simply go to "Design | Text | Web Site (cont)" and click on the "Invoice Address" subtab. You should see here "If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box:" Simply untick where it says "Show", and also blank out "Ship to separate delivery address:"

    This should fix it.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Thanks for that, now just one last question. No we have a page that displays:

      Select Invoice Location
      Country: United Kingdom

      But there are no options for the user? Is there any way to bypass this page?


        Hi Andy,

        No I'm afraid there is no way to bypass this page, The page is there, just in case you add more countries, unless you change shopping mode. If you set the shopping mode in "Design | Option | Shop Default". Here set the shopping mode to "Quantity in Shopping Cart", and also in "View | Business Settings | Ordering" untick "Request Location Information Early".

        Try this, it should take you to "Order01.html".

        Kind Regards

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Hi Nadeem,

          Thanks for your reply.

          Right now I already have both quantity in shopping cart ticked and "Request Location Information Early" unticked?

          Could anything else be preventing users from skipping this page?


            Hi there

            Just tested this out on a default site1, okay the only way i got this working, is if you change the both tax and shipping to "Simple". So you would have "Simply Tax" and "Simple Shipping"
            See for a demo

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              I was just browsing through your Charlotte Naturals website, i noticed when you click onto the product information it will display new window. If you click onto the image in the info it will display the same window again. This happens on all of your products. Just thought i'd inform you of this.
              Barry Hughes
              H.A Innovations


                Hi Nadeem,

                I've had simple tax and simple shipping set from the start. Could it be something else that's causing this page to appear?



                  Hi Andy

                  For me it works, so they must be something else that is causing your issue. Might i suggest in registering an email ticket, the support team would need to get your snapshot and have a look into this. To register an email support, simply go to http://

                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development

