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cart emptied after logging out

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    cart emptied after logging out


    I've noticed something on the site I'm working on which I'm not sure is a problem or is 'just how it works'.

    If I login, add some things to the cart, then logout, the cart still shows that there are items in it. However, if I then try to view the cart or checkout, the cart contents have disappeared.

    Is this because of something I have done or is it the unavoidable result of logging out before completing the purchase.

    You can see the site at and use a login of test/test.


    I am no expert at this but I think in version 7 there are basically 2 ways that the cart is controlled. The old version and possibly this one holds a bignumber.cart file in the /acatalog directory - this controls what happens when the user has the browser open and the cart. Your little summary window I'm pretty sure is held in a cookie held locally on your computer. I suspect the two aren't working in sync. Trying playing around without logging in I don't think you would have the same problem - which implies its potentially having troubles refering to the login user - i.e the checkout cart on the server can't refer to it or vice versa?

