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Navigation Menu

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    Navigation Menu

    I have created a navigation menu to the sections and subsections in Fireworks and Dreamweaver - this is a standard menu which when hovering over a button brings up a fly-out menu with further options.

    Stand alone testing proves this works in all browsers. When I enter the menu into the Act_Primary the mouse over effects work but the fly-out menu refuses to show.

    I know there are several issues having fly-outs over forms, this menu should fly-out over the products. Any suggestions greatly welcomed?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    Without an URL it's hard to comment.

    Test using Firefox and with Tools / JavaScript Console set on. You get much better diagnostics this way.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman,

      Dreamweaver had added the pre-load function into the <actinicextras.js script> - I have moved this outside into its own <script> and it is working fine

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I'm a notepad man myself (for Templates that is). You can never trust WYSIWYG editors not to add some "helpful" extra code. Dreamweaver isn't too bad but you should see the trouble people get into if they let Frontpage at their templates.

        Also be careful with actiniccore.js and actinicextras.js - I noticed that 7.0.2 added some extra code in there, so any home grown add-ons might get lost if you upgrade.

        I used to put add-on code in there but nowadays use an include in Act_Primary as this survives upgrades.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Frontpage with Actinic is a nightmare - I have been using FP for about 4 years now and know it intimately - I got Dreamweaver 7 months ago when I got Actinic. Not wanting to learn 2 packages I had to do the "funky" stuff in Frontpage with hilarious results when combined with the Actinic stuff.

          With the upgrade to v7 Developer I decided to bite the bullet and integrate with Dreamweaver - so far all has been fine - I understand why Dreamweaver added the code into the first script tag and would be OK for all other instances.

          You are right about the additional code stuff, the best part with Actinic there is usually more than one way to solve a problem and get something to work the way you want it.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

