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Same product on different pages

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    Same product on different pages

    I'm sure my question has been answered before but when I search for "same product different pages" it removes the words same and different! And then I end up with 500 pages to sift through!

    OK, my client wants the ability to have a specials page and a new products page. But he will need to be able to update these pages himself.

    I've created 2 sections under the catalog. Specials and New Products.

    Now is there a way of putting a copy of an existing product into one of these sections but so that when a customer uses the specials pages to buy it will link to the original product?


    Hi Sam

    Actinic v7 has the ability to paste a duplicate product. So if you right click on one product and select "COPY". Then go to the "Special" section, right click on it and select "Paste As Duplicate". This will paste the same product in the "Special" section, including all description details and product reference. This may be the easiest way.
    If you want to link to the original product, then you could just use a fragment in the "Special" section. Click on the "Link" tab, to point to the product.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

