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Actinic Ecommerce v6.1.0

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    Actinic Ecommerce v6.1.0

    To the developers and anyone using the beta version:

    How is Actinic Ecommerce v6.1.0 beta running? well?

    "We expect that this version will become the full production release after three weeks."
    Is there a date for the release of the full production?

    Should I wait? I need the order level discounting, but want to avoid any little glitches!

    If I download the beta version - do I need to do the usual suspend ordering for 30 mins etc?



    I would suggest waiting as the version of 6.1 that is currently downloadable will not be the version that is finally released.

    There are no reported problems with the discount functionality, but we are investigating some reported issues with WorldPay and PayPal.


      There are no reported problems with the discount functionality, but we are investigating some reported issues with WorldPay and PayPal.
      Any idea what the problems with Worldpay are?
      I gave the following problem, sorry about the pasting but I cant work out how to link to another thread.

      Hi there,
      I have finally gone through my last stages of signing up with worldpay, everything seems fine apart from the error I keep getting in my confirmation emails.

      I have asked worldpay and am currently waiting for a reply but was hoping you guys could give me a speedier reply as you may have experianced the problem your selves.

      ---Email begins---
      This order has been charged to your customer's
      credit or debit card but an error occurred when
      notifying the web site.

      Please look for order number SB26RP10000003 in the
      list of orders shown when "Pending Online Credit Card"
      is selected on the order window in Actinic Catalog,
      and manually make a credit card payment record
      (View Order, View Payments, New Entry).
      The order will now appear in the "Pending" list.

      WorldPay Information:
      transaction id: ************
      installation id: **********

      The notification failed for the following reason:
      Merchant catalog secret not set up

      ---Email ends---

      My sectret key is setup in catalog as it should be and all payments go through fine.

      Also I dont know if it is supposed to but the order isn't getting marked as payed in the order section of catalog.

      Any clues?




        The problem with WorldPay is down to how we communicated to WorldPay that a transaction should be pre-authorised rather than taken immediately. It sounds like your problem is a general setup issue.

