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Customer Orders

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    Customer Orders

    Using Developer I am completely re-building my website. Due to the amount of time it will take for the new site I have the existing live site (site 1) and the new site (site 2) just on the computer.

    When in site 2 if I hit "download orders" I get a warning message informing me I should upload the site first before downloading as I could lose information. At the moment I am going into site 1 to retreive the orders.

    When I finally upload site 2 this will be the main working copy and site 1 will be obsolete. Which is the best solution for importing the orders from site 1 into site 2 so that all information is together and I can finally delete the old site?


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    Would like to know the answer to this too. I suspect/hope that it would simply be a case of overwriting the Order and Order Detail tables from the site1 to Site2 but could do with someone confirming this


    Located in Edinburgh UK


      I think I started a thread with this as the subject a few months ago, worth searching for it I'd say...
      Football Heaven

      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


        Thanks George - finally found it after searching through all your posts

        Jan at Mole End suggested you could import the order data into your catalog machine - any idea how this is done?

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          This is something I need to do as well. I'm actually upgrading from v5 to v7.

          The Upgrade Guide says that when you are ready to go live with the new site you just copy and paste the ActinicCatalog.mdb file from one site to the other. Will this just copy all the order data and that's it? ... or am I missing the point here?


            Will this just copy all the order data and that's it? ... or am I missing the point here?
            When you do an upgrade, it takes about 1 second to upgrade your database (with all your orders) but it can sometimes take a couple of days to ensure your custom design is upgraded successfully.

            The idea of is that you can spend time getting the design right, and then when the v7 store is looking good and ready to go, you just switch the database accross to ensure that the order data is as up-to-date as possible.

