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'Contact Us' Page Format

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    'Contact Us' Page Format

    Hello all

    On my site we have a 'contact us' page. At the moment, there is no info in there - just an email form. Can I add address/phone etc info in this section within actinic, or is it an html thing.

    Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!

    contact page

    This is the one Nick -


      Thanks for that - What I really want to do though is add my own contact details. So on my site, where it says:
      'Please complete the details below and then press Send',
      I'd like to add my own contact details. I can't see an obvious place to do this in Act_Contactus.html.
      Any help much appreciated.
      Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


        Hi Nick,

        The link provided by Leon, tell you how to add additional fields, it is tricky, but this is the way to do it. Have a look at Toby response on:

        This is how you would include an additional address field. What contact details do you want to add?

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Hi Nadeem

          I don't actually want to add any more fields - I just want to add my own contact details as text above the existing fields. At present, my own contact details are within the 'terms & conds' section of the site which isn't an obvious place for them to be.
          So - what i'd like to do is for customers to click on the 'contact us' page and for it to be exactly as it is now but with my own contact details - phone, email, address etc shown as well.

          Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


            OK then. You just need to go to 'Advanced | Template Manager' and then if you see a blue and white graphical window open, click 'Change View' so you are looking at a grey dialogue with buttons.

            Go to the 'Other Pages' tab and click 'Contact Us'. Add your infomation into that template just below where it says <Actinic:VALIDATIONERROR/>


              Hi again Nadeem
              Tried that - but get a message saying:

              The .EXE file specified for the template editor is not valid (non-Win32.EXE or error in .EXE image). Please edit the command line.

              I tried to bypass the editor by typing my text directly into act_contactus in the place you suggested. Whilst this worked, I don't know enough about html to get the format right (everything i've typed in has ended up as a continuous line of text regardless of the spaces/returns that I entered.

              I'm sorry to be so tedious - your help is greatly appreciated.

              Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


                To correct the error, use the browse button to locate notepad.exe (normally in the windows folder) this will allow you to use the template manager


                  Thanks Jo - the template works now.

                  I'm probably going to have to abandon this anyway as I have no idea about how to get the formatting right. As I said before - everything I write in there comes out as one continuous line (ignoring new lines etc). I guess I need a basic understanding of html to be able to do what I want to do properly.

                  Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


                    Cut & pasted some code from another website and amended to my own details.
                    Thanks for all your help.

                    Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!

