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Free Shipping Overseas

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    Free Shipping Overseas

    I would like to offer free shipping on all orders to the mainland UK with a value of over £150.

    I don't want this free shipping offer to apply to countries outside the UK. Our shipping is based on weight.

    I can't figure out how to this, but see that other Actinic users have been searching for a similar solution for a few years now.

    Any ideas?


    The ability to set postage tables using both weight and order value crops up often.
    Hopefully its been added to the wishlist for a future version...!


      Hi there

      Please check the following thread:

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Thanks Nadeem
        The point however is that a lot of us calculate shipping by weight, for the very reason that this is how shippers charge us ie. the heavier the consignment the more we pay.
        What we are after is the ability to use this system, but offer free shipping for orders over a certain value.
        I don't believe this is possible with the current Actinic set up, but think it is something that a lot of users would find useful if it could be considered for a future update



          Many thanks for your feedback. I'll pass this onto the development team. The ability to limit the 'Free Over' facility to specific classes seems to be a necessary requirement for a future version.


            I think we do what you want - have a look at the Delivery Charges section in the Useful Information page on our site ( or the Shipping & Handling section in the T&Cs.
            You just need to set up the highest shipping band to have a cost of £0.00. For example

            ORDER VALUE COST

            25.00 5.00
            50.00 10.00
            50.01 0.00

            This will give you free shipping for orders over £50. You can set up different bands for each area so I can think you can acheive what you want to do.


              Our Shipping is Based on Weight

              Thanks for taking the time to reply, but our shipping is based on weight so I don't think we can implement your idea which I think is based on value?

              Hopefully Actinic will get round to implementing it.



                Thanks Chris
                Let me apologise in advance if I'm being thick here, but I'm not sure the point is getting across.
                What I (and I am sure others too) is after, is the ability to set postage tables that use a combination of both weight and order value in the same table.
                0-1 kg £1
                1.1kg-5kg £3
                5.1 kg and over £5
                BUT if order value is over £50, postage is free.
                Thanks for bearing with me


                  OK - I'll feed this back to the team.

