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1 click checkout

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    1 click checkout

    If I have a website that sells only one product (and only in 1's), then I don't really need the catalog product page (ie. product details and 'click here to add to basket' or 'enter qty') and I don't really need the basket either.

    Sooooooo... Is it possible to have a brochure page with the sales blurb, then a button that says 'BUY NOW!' - and this button would then add 1 of the item to the basket and take the shopper direct to the checkout?

    or, slightly more advanced - 'buy now' goes to another brochure page which tries to up-sell them another related product - and then 'yes' adds both items and goes to checkout, or 'no' just goes to the checkout with the original item only?

    Can it be done and how do I do it?

    The checkout itself is optimised so now I want to optimise the path TO the checkout.

    btw, I want this to be a bypass of the catalog page(s), not a replacement.

    For some reason my product page is out ranking (by far) my brochure page in certain search engine listings, so I still want people to be able to arrive in the catalog and order in the same way.

    But I also want the option to just press a button and jump straight to the checkout...


      transferred to the v7 forum... please put any answers there.

