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Export products list from Actinic to Sage

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    Export products list from Actinic to Sage

    I have entered all my products/pricing (two pricing schemes) into Actinic.

    Now I have shelled out for Sage (Accountant Plus v11.1). Is there anyway of exporting the products from Actinic into Sage???

    I have the customers and invoices winging back and forwards but want to monitor and change products in Sage without having to type all that info in again.


    I could be wrong but I think you can only export order details via Actinic link directly into Sage. To get the product info into Sage I think that you will need to use a two step process: export to a file (text or csv) and use a database or spreadsheet program to arrange and add to the data, then import the data from that amended file into Sage. Looking at the results of the export options, you might find the Froogle feed information will give you the basic fields.

    You'll need to think about product codes and how you want things organised in Sage before actually doing the import. (There's a lot more information that you can associate with a product in Sage compared to Actinic). Then you'll have to think about matching the Sage products to the Actinic ones to make sure that your Link order information updates Sage correctly.

    I doubt this is the answer you wanted and I hope that somebody else may know of a better way.



      The First thing is to make the Actinic Reference numbers mean something so if you use the automated ref numbers you would be better changing them to a more descriptive number possibly even your supplers code

      You then can make a copy of the database and place it somewhere outside actinic folder

      If you open this file you can obtain the product information and put it into a excel file that sage will accept as an import

      The information you need for the import file is
      Actinic Ref Number, Product Description, Sage tax Rate (T1),Net Sales Price, Unit of sale.

      Hope this helps
      Chris Ashdown


        Chris is right about making the Actinic Reference numbers mean something before putting the information into the spreadsheet.

        Personally I have used my own set of product codes as I find it easier to analyse the information (revenue/profit/volume by product type etc) even if similar products come from different suppliers. For instance, we have a range of reflective safety products on our site ( that come from several suppliers but are grouped together in our product codes. You can use the "Part Number" field in Sage to record the supplier product code.

        Chris has given you the information you need for the import to Sage but you can add more fields of information to the spreadsheet before importing. It can be better to do this at this stage because it is easier to copy cells in the spreadsheet than it is to copy information from one product to another in Sage. The list of fields that you can import is given in the Sage online (search for "import file structure"). Examples are the supplier account reference and the nominal code.

        That's probably given you some things to think about .



          Thanks everyone.

          That's really great information folks.

          I had a feeling that might be the answer but at least I can now see a way of getting most of the 'core' data into Sage without having to type in the details of a 100+ products.

          Many thanks.


