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Terms and Conditions

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    Terms and Conditions

    Following's pricing error and subsequent cancellation of orders. Is it possible for the next Actinic patch to incorporate a mandatory tick box that confirms customers have read and accepted the terms and conditions before continuing with the order?

    My concerns are drawn by the fact that customers may argue that they did not see the terms and conditions - and therefore did not agree to them. Such an argument has not been tested by UK courts; but it was tested in a US Appeals Court last year and the court ruled that a reference to an agreement purporting to bind users did not create an enforceable contract.

    The best way (recommended by is to put the terms and conditions on a page to which the customer is taken to whether they want to read the conditions or not. At the bottom of that page there should be a check box next to a statement that says "I have read, understood and accept these terms and conditions". Then there will be another button to proceed. Customers must check the box (i.e. click it) before they can proceed.
    Matthew Cottam
    Project Manager

    <a href=""></a>

    I think Chris has replied to similar request earlier saying that can do something like this by by putting a statement on the order pages along the lines of "by clicking the 'next' button you are confirming that you have read and accept the terms and conditions detailed below".


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      As mentioned in my original post customers can claim to have overlooked statements such as "clicking the 'next' button' you are confirming that you have read and accept the terms and conditions detailed below". I use this statement myself, but I don't think it is enough.

      At the end of the day once an order is downloaded there is no evidence that the customer has agreed to the terms and conditions. A mandatory tick box is the only feasible way of getting such evidence.
      Matthew Cottam
      Project Manager

      <a href=""></a>


        Is it possible for the next Actinic patch to incorporate a mandatory tick box that confirms customers have read and accepted the terms and conditions before continuing with the order?

        Matthew Cottam
        Project Manager

        <a href=""></a>


          Hi Matthew

          Thanks for the suggestion. I've entered this onto the Actinic wish list.

          Ben Popplestone
          Ecommerce website software


            Thank you
            Matthew Cottam
            Project Manager

            <a href=""></a>


              This is a great IDEA! Has it been done yet?


                I've just figured out how to do this in Actinic!

                If you go to Design > Text > Website (cont) > Invoice Address there is a user defined field below "Moving Within One Month" - make this a required field and rename it "Tick to show you have read and agree with our terms and conditions below" or whatever

                Edit Act_Order01.html and go to that field - it's round about INVOICEPROMPT014 - and change the form field to: <input type="CHECKBOX" name="INVOICEUSERDEFINED">

                This then gives a required (highlighted red) checkbox that won't let the customer past the invoice page until they have checked it!

                Is that good enough?!




                  Sorry to rain on your parade but even if a checkbox is marked as required in Actinic, it is not required that the box is ticked. The 'requiring' is just a way of drawing attention to it.

                  Someone here might be able to suggest a bit of JavaScript you put in your checkout primary template to flash up a warning if a certain checkbox is not filled in.


                    Dear Chris,

                    I think you'll find that this method does work - have a look at my site

                    This works because I haven't assigned a value in the form field.
                    The user can't get passed this page without ticking the box.



                      &quot;Tell A Friend&quot;

                      Hi Tony

                      Have just looked at your site to see the tick box on T&C for myself - can't see it as your site is not taking orders yet and therefore can't go through the checkout process.

                      On a new topic:
                      I LOVE what you've done with the "tell a friend" function - GENIUS!!!

                      Could you tell me how to do that, or what web site i need to get the information from, it's an excellent marketing tool and a great way to cultivate and grow a health database of customers/potential customers.


                        I've just tried it & it appears to work... I'm trying it out on my site as we speak...
                        Martin Cutbill

                        Amazingly using Actinic to sell Absinthe since V2


                          OK - here is a another solution for getting people to confirm that they accept your terms and conditions before continuing with the checkout.

                          This will flash up a JavaScript 'alert' box if the box is not ticked.

                          First of all, do what Tony suggests...

                          If you go to Design > Text > Website (cont) > Invoice Address there is a user defined field below "Moving Within One Month" - make this a required field and rename it "Tick to show you have read and agree with our terms and conditions below" or whatever
                          Then enter the following into your Overall Layout template, below all the other script expressions.

                          <script language="JavaScript">
                          * ValidatePage - make sure the required fields exist
                          * Returns:      false if a field is empty
                          function ValidatePage()
                                   if (!document.forms[0].INVOICEMOVING.checked)
                                           alert('You have not agreed to the terms and conditions!');
                                           return (false);
                                   return (true);
                          // -->
                          Then in 'Act_Order01.html' locate

                          <input type=SUBMIT name=ACTION value="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXTBUTTON">

                          and replace it with

                          <input type=SUBMIT name=ACTION value="NETQUOTEVAR:NEXTBUTTON" onClick="ValidatePage()">


                            Hi Kerri

                            Ignore the big red text on front page - ordering is enabled but Secpay is running in test mode, so you can go through checkout process safe in the knowledge that you won't actually buy anything!! In fact I'm only waiting for Streamline to decide I'm *worthy* enough to have a merchant facility - they're so sloooww!

                            Go through to checkout and on the Invoice Address page you'll see the check box field below the email address - I'll probably actually move it to near the next button eventually.

                            Thanks for the feedback on the Tell-a-friend function! I actually wrote it myself. It's written in PHP and links to a mySQL database on the server which records all of the details, although it doesn't have to - it can just send you a copy of the submitted details as an email if you wish. You are more than welcome to use it if you would like to - I'll try and get some time to tidy the code up a bit, comment it etc then I'll post it to this thread probably next week sometime.

                            Don't let the PHP bit put you off - this is my first stab at using it and it is so powerful yet fairly straightforwards to use. Although I've been unable to get the SQL UPDATE function to work so maybe some techhead could have a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong - it's bound to be something trivial that I'm missing!

                            Hi Chris

                            - I've just seen your last post - That's fine but Actinic already alerts the customer that they haven't completed the T&C checkbox - If they click<next> and the checkbox is unticked, the same page reloads but with a big box at the top telling them in red that:
                            "I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions below" is required.
                            They cannot get past the first invoice page without checking the box!

                            Go to my site: and try it for yourself



                              It works - no doubt about it.

                              I also really like your site. It is a brilliant idea.

                              Are you going to put a less expensive gift plan up? Also when I looked at the second section I was almost expecting to be able to select one or more of the gifts rather than having to buy the whole package.

                              (Now all I need is a pregnant friend to shop for!).

                              Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                              Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

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