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Paypal Setup Woes

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    Paypal Setup Woes

    After studying the other posts I have come to the conclusion that I am missing something blindingly obvious or I have corrupted files.

    The problem:

    I wish to set up paypal as a PSP. I have opened an account, gone to the payment settings in Actinic, selected Paypal as a PSP, entered my email (Paypal Account). Applied the new settings.

    In Test Mode, went to Refresh Website and got the following message:

    .....site1\CommonOCC\Output\OCCProcessor.fil contains an invalid path.

    I have looked in the CommonOCC folder but there does not seem to be an Output folder.

    Currently I do not use SSL and rely on Actinic built in encryption to take credit cards which are the processed by a manual terminal.
    Is the lack of SSL the cause to my problem? Is it worth me getting SSL?
    It all seems very complicated and expensive. (I am hopefully going to put my credit card processing over to HSBC and accept Paypal)

    Why can't anything to do with the internet be simple?

    Any ideas please.


    I don't think that not having SSL is the problem - we have PayPal as a PSP without using SSL and we don't have any problems with payments made using this method. Sorry I can't be of more help but I'm sure the more technically minded forum members will come to your rescue.




      Thank you for your input.

      I hope you are right that someone will come to my rescue.



        Originally posted by PeterW
        After studying the other posts I have come to the conclusion that I am missing something blindingly obvious or I have corrupted files.

        The problem:

        I wish to set up paypal as a PSP. I have opened an account, gone to the payment settings in Actinic, selected Paypal as a PSP, entered my email (Paypal Account). Applied the new settings.

        In Test Mode, went to Refresh Website and got the following message:

        .....site1\CommonOCC\Output\OCCProcessor.fil contains an invalid path.

        I have looked in the CommonOCC folder but there does not seem to be an Output folder.

        Currently I do not use SSL and rely on Actinic built in encryption to take credit cards which are the processed by a manual terminal.
        Is the lack of SSL the cause to my problem? Is it worth me getting SSL?
        It all seems very complicated and expensive. (I am hopefully going to put my credit card processing over to HSBC and accept Paypal)

        Why can't anything to do with the internet be simple?
        I would recommend SSL as it seems to increase shopper conversion ratios in our experience.

        An SSL certificate is trivially cheap these days - we use and recommend freessl (not free) - we generally suggest that one single sale per month extra makes the whole SSL certificate worth while (your margins and products being the final determining factor).

        Your host should be able to help you with all of this...


        Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
        Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
        NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


          Some of this may help....


          Hi, here's my tuppence worth:-

          There are a couple of patches for Actinic PSP details have you got the latest ones installed? I didn't initially and couldn't set up any accounts.

          When you've uploaded the new settings have you used the more comprehensive option for your site settings upload (I have not got access to Actininc at the moment so forget the exact terminology, but one option is a quicker refresh and one is a complete update of the site, the two control icons are next to each other but I can't remember which one is which).

          I've also got a feeling that Paypal PSP settings have not got a 'Test Option' but I may be wrong.

          I found Paypal quite straightforward to set up compared to HSBC.

          We use HSBC secure epayments and Paypal, about 25-35% of payments are made using Paypal (I think people like the convenience-just email and password details).

          We don't use SSL and leave this to HSBC and Paypal and have not had too many problems.

          Although, HSBCs interface does seem to confuse some customers and they often abort or cancel orders because they think something has gone wrong. (My wife has observed that more women than men think this!!) I'm staying quiet!

          Also: keep track of HSBC passwords, codes, usernames, client no. etc. they seem to think why use just two when 12 will do!! Very confusing.

          All the above is based on about 3 1/2 months trading.

          Hope some of it is useful.



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            Whether you have SSL or not, will have no effect on your Paypal problems.

            Only get yourself a SSL cert if you already have a merchant acct and want to download orders yourself - although I think alot of banks are now forcing people over to using online providers (ie HSBC online processing in your case).

            To set up Paypal is easy!!

            I would create yourself a folder called Output
            .....site1\CommonOCC\Output\OCCProcessor.fil contains an invalid path.
            and then do a site refresh. See how that goes.

            The setup you have already done sounds OK


              Thank you Pinbrook.

              This seems to have solved the problem although I have to fully test it yet.

              I would have thought that an Output file would have been made automatically, although we all know what thought did*.

              Thank you again.

              *Thought was lying in bed and thought his feet were sticking out the end so he got up to have a look, it turned out that they weren't.


                Originally posted by pinbrook
                Only get yourself a SSL cert if you already have a merchant acct and want to download orders yourself - although I think alot of banks are now forcing people over to using online providers (ie HSBC online processing in your case).

                or if you use a payment provider and want to theme the checkout to your site with hosted images. Without it, you get mixed content errors from most browsers.
                Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
                Free and low cost Merchant Accounts coming soon..
                NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY

