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One product, listed under 2 sections???

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    One product, listed under 2 sections???

    is this possible? i have searched the forum but not really found an answer. i tried making a duplicate of a product and dragging into a second section but of course, if i change the description or price of the original, i would like it to change the duplicate in the second section which of course, it doesn't. maybe this is just not possible.

    in a ideal world, the product listing would have an option to link it to a secondary section.

    thanks for any replies.

    I haven't read an Actinic manual properly in at least 3 versions - but I can't believe that this functionality isn't covered SOMEWHERE in the manuals.... it has to be...

    Click into your destination category - right-click somewhere on the product tree - select "New Duplicate Product CTRL-K" - or hit CTRL-K... follow the prompts...
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      Dupliacted product.

      you need to click on a product to have the ctrl K option appear. if i click in my new category and right click on the product tree, add duplicate is not an option. the only way i can make this work is to duplicate the product in its original category and then drag the duplicate over into the new category. that's not ideal.



        Just for future reference, you will find help about this in the main help in 'Products | Duplicating Products'.
        that's not ideal.
        Apologies that you do not see it as being ideal, but that is the way that this feature works. I hope you find it useful.


          thanks for your reply chris. i will indeed read more.
          do you think the ability to list under two categories will be a feature in v.8?


            do you think the ability to list under two categories will be a feature in v.8?
            I cannot see the product duplication feature being extended in the way you describe, no.

