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Catalog Homepage setup

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    Catalog Homepage setup

    Hi all,

    Bit of an actinic virgin here, thought you could help me out...

    I've made my own template with a java section menu on the left and some other links across the top (Warranty, Spares, Contact Us etc...) All hardcoded into Act_Primary.html

    What I want is to have no Brochure pages, and have the site open right into the Catalog from the start with an intro page of hello's, offers, etc. My questions are....

    1. How do I tell Actinic to open right into the Catalog? (I've seen sites like with java sections on the left, html links at the top and intro deals/offers in the content area - without brochure pages...I want o to do the same)

    2. To make the 1st Catalog page the way I want, I've simply copied Act_Primary.html and called it Act_CatalogFront.html. I've replaced NETQUOTEVAR:BULK in it with my own content images/text etc and told Actinic to point to it through: Design | Options | Layouts | Front Page Layout. Does this sound right?

    3. I've made other copies of Act_Primary for each of the top links (Warranty, Spares, Contact Us, etc...) and given them relevant names. Each with
    NETQUOTEVAR:BULK removed and replaced with relevant hardcoded content. Is this right?

    4. Will removing NETQUOTEVAR:BULK for these pages render either the java section links or the top links useless? (in the same way as if they were linking to a frame which I've removed?)

    I got kinda lost in a maze of NETQUOTEVARS and html fragments and want to do this as much like a 'normal' site as I can. Anyone who can help me will be on my xmas card list for ever!

    cheers all


    the site you show ( uses an Actinic brochure page.

    Use a brochure page - apply your design to Act_PrimaryBrochure.html and Act_PrimaryCheckout.html and use a single brochure home page...

    I don't get why you would NOT have brochure pages - they are VERY search engine friendly and EXTREMELY useful for linking your specials, new products etc... which absolutely MUST change if you are going to have any kind of search engine success in the medium to long term without relying solely on PPC.

    If you have ONLY a product catalog - you should not bank on your catalog being a success without external marketing means - ie printed materials, tv, radio, outside sales people etc....

    just my internet experience...
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      cheers matey, I'll have a crack at it. I'm an illustrator by trade and hence just HAD to make my own layout for the site....which has got me in a bit over my head!

      My main concern was that brochure pages might not be able to have links to catalog sections, either through java menus or otherwise. I'm assuming this is not the case? (I'm using the Yahoo java menu)

      Does the rest of my setup sound like it's on the right track?

      thanks for your prompt reply



        I'm not familiar with the yahoo java menu that you descibe - but you can have the brochure page as anything - just drop your HTML into the template as you did with the other template file.
        Web Design & Ecommerce - Affordable Web Hosting
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        NOD32 Antivirus - Reciprocal Links for Actinic Sites ONLY


          Brochure Links

          Check out our site, have used yahoo sections java and fragment links to products and sections.

          May be of inspiration


