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Want to change currency to a 'points' system?

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    Want to change currency to a 'points' system?

    I am setting up a site for a customer that runs an incentive points scheme. They want people to be able to buy products in points, but I am having a few problems. An item that might be £100 we want to show as 100 points.

    I've got the products listing correctly, but am having problems with the checkout pages.

    1. It is displaying the £ sign, despite me removing this from the Currencies table
    2. Although I changed two of the decimal points settings in Currencies it still shows items as £0.27 instead of 27 points.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks and regards,
    Martin Bailey

    Hi Martin,

    In the currencies table, please remove both "£" symbol here, i have done this and it works for me. Also you should set to zero to the following: -


    and also remove the "." and "," from "SMONTHOUSANDSEP" and "SMONDECIMALSEP".

    The only issue is when you add to cart and checkout, when you are running the perlscript, it retains the decimal point. I will ask development if we can get rid of it here. Once i have found out the information i will post it here.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi there

      Just got some details back from the development team. Here is how to get rid of it when you are in the checkout stages.

      1) Open the ActinicCatalog.mdb and go to the [catalog] table
      2) Remove "£" from SCURRENCY
      3) Give space (IOW one blank space) in IMONGROUPING
      4) Change 0 for ICURRDIGITS
      5) Save the changes in DB

      Please try this

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development

