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destination of 'continue shopping' button

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    destination of 'continue shopping' button

    Is it possible to change the destination of the 'continue shopping' button on the 'view cart' page. It currently goes to catalogbody.html.


    Try this knowledge base article...


      Just an idea

      you could always make a page that forwards to the page you actually want your users to be shown?

      put this script into the head of a blank page

      <script language="JavaScript">
      function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
      var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
      for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'");

      then put the following into the "BODY" tag of this page:

      onLoad="MM_goToURL('parent','PAGE_URL_HERE');return document.MM_returnValue"

      save it as index.html [or catalogbody.html] and upload to the "acatalog/" directory

      Just an idea & hope it works!!



        Im using a header page as a top frame with links to the home page, info, about us, and also the catalog main page in a frame below.

        The links on the top frame are all targetted to the main frame below.

        The whole site works fine and stays within the frames ... the checkout buttons stay within the frame, the refresh or forwarding pages stay within the frame ...but ..
        the continue shopping button breaks out of the framed site and is then missing the main navigation links from the header frame !

        is there a way to keep this continue shopping in the same frameset as the rest of the site ?

        can I take my header page and easily import or add it to the catalog so the header section is there on every page ?

        thanks to anyone in advance ...
        will keep reading and fiddling in the meantime


          What about taking it out of frames? OR you could always make a copy of the top frame page and call it "top_new.htm" and then upload it to: which is the page the actinic frameset is looking for.
          Or am i missing something here?
          Or if you don't want the catalog body page to be displayed at all, do what i suggested erlier and forward them to the page you wish


            I suggest putting your store into framed mode - in 'Design | Options | Miscellaneous'.

            You can then edit 'Act_FrameSet.html' to configure your frames as required, and then put all the code for your navigation in 'Act_FrameNavBar.html'. This should sort you out.

