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Moving Order Download/Processing to PC used for Maintenance - can it be done?

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    Moving Order Download/Processing to PC used for Maintenance - can it be done?

    Due to a failure of the our adsl connection I am unable to download orders on the pc we normally use for this purpose. I maintain the web site from home on a laptop - can I change the Business Settings to download orders on this laptop? Will I download only new orders? and once the adsl connection is working again can I return to the usual pc for downloading - transfering any orders over that I downloaded on the laptop? and more importantly how do I go about this?

    Sorry if the above is confusing

    Thanks for any advice


    Hi Anna,

    can I change the Business Settings to download orders on this laptop?
    Yes, 'View | Business Settings | Options | Allow on this PC' and switch on 'Order Processing'.

    Will I download only new orders?

    can I return to the usual pc for downloading - transfering any orders over that I downloaded on the laptop?
    You cannot merge orders after they have been downloaded onto two different pcs. Does the normal downloading machine have an up-to-date catalog or is it only used for downloading orders?

    If it has an up-to-date site, then you can take a snapshot and import it into your laptop (select 'overwrite orders in target installation' during the wizard) to get all orders into your software. Then you can download orders and keep them all together and when it is all up and running again you can create a new snapshot and send it back to the normal downloading pc.

    If it has only been used for downloading orders, you can take a snapshot from your laptop and import it into the pc (do not select 'overwrite orders in target installation' during the wizard) to make sure it now has the full website information. Then you can take a snapshot on that pc and import it into your laptop and this time select 'overwrite orders in target installation'.

