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Recent HSBC problems anyone

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    Recent HSBC problems anyone

    For the last 2 weeks or so we have ben experiencing problems with HSBC's payment gateway, mainly customers trying to buy but instead of being redirected back to our site for the receipt page, they are shown an error message (its not clear what messages they are getting as we have been unable to replicate the problem with test purchases and the customers themselves have been unsure about what happened)

    Our orders have roughly halved, while the entries in the Pending Payment part of Order manager have roughly doubled, some of which were legititmate orders and payment was actually taken! Others say they have experienced hung screens after inputting card details.

    HSBC support told me that Actinic were aware of the problem with the handoff page hosted by Actinic. Actinic support told me the problem had been fixed on Friday but were not so sure

    Anyone else experincing problems with HSBC at the moment or have any information as to what was/ is going on?

    Thanks in advance for your help guys

    the site in question is




    I can't say for sure if its the same problem, but a week last monday I was testing the site I'm doing for a client and I kept getting an error message in HSBC. The error was "unknown request" which is a bloody useless error message. I posted on the forum here:

    But about an hour or 2 later it was working again, and I haven't made another test purchase since.

    Sorry i can't be of more help.



      Hi Sam

      Thanks for the info, although im not sure its the same problem.

      If anyone else has any ideas or perhaps the Actinic staff have more info as to what the problem was last week that would be great


        perhaps the Actinic staff have more info as to what the problem was last week
        We have had some issues reported about the HSBC interface in the last couple of weeks. After investigating we found a problem with one of the intermediary servers that pass data between the merchant's server and HSBC and immediately removed it from the loop on Friday 11th February 2005. It was reinstated last week after the problem had been resolved.

        We don’t believe that there are any Actinic-related issues outstanding with the interface, but I would appreciate it if you could contact me directly at bpopplestone [@] (removing the brackets) with specific details if you are still experiencing problems.

        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software

