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Product Variant layout

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    Product Variant layout

    I have changed the way product variants are laided out as per the AUG.

    This works ok if a product has an attribute and choice, but if the product has a component, attribute and choice it doesn't!

    To see an example look at:

    - Table borders are only on to show what it's doing!

    The first product has just attribute and choice. The first attribute label & selector are in the 2nd column and the 2nd attribute & label are in the 3rd column as they should be.

    The second product has a component, attribute and choice and it forces the 2nd attribute label and choice selector onto another line in the same cell, rather than in the 3rd column.

    Any ideas how I can get round this.


    Kathy Newman

    The issue is that Actinic takes VARIANT...1, VARIANT...2 etc. in order at the level directly below the product.

    So when you just have atttributes, the first attribute is VARIANT...1, the second one is VARIANT...2 etc.

    When you have components, they are now at the first level below the product so the first component (plus all attributes and choices) are VARIANT...1, the second one is VARIANT...2 etc.

    This is the explanation - so what is the fix?

    If two attributes are within one component, then there is no way to lay them out separately. You can create a second component and put the second attribute within that. Wierdly, you then have to use VARIANT...3 and VARIANT...4 to lay out the choices instead of VARIANT...1 and VARIANT...2.

    Don't ask me why. I will investigate when I get the time.



      Thank you - that works fine - weird but it does!

      Would love to know if you find a reason for it - or if it can get fixed.

      Kathy Newman


        I'll report it as a bug.

        Another approach is to use this code in your product layout template:

        <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

        And then use '</td><td>' as the HTML for the separator for the two attributes within the component.

