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email confirmation to customer

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    email confirmation to customer


    My company receives notification that an order has been placed but the customer does'nt. Do the customer also receive a mail that we have received their order and if so, how can I fix this.


    Have you ticked the box under business options that says 'send customer receipt' email (or something similar)?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Customer confirmation email

      Thanks for your quick reply.

      The only place I did tick was:

      Version 3

      View/Preferences/Options/Ordering options on website/miscellanious/

      and a tick box that says Email required on new order.

      I receive an email but not the customer Is there another place that I have to set this up for the customer as I cant find it.


        I'm not sure about V3, but certainly in V4 there's a tick box in the same section called 'send receipt email to customer' which will send the customer email when ticked.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Ok I just looked at the V4 release notes and this option was new to V4. If you're using V3 you'll need to upgrade to a newer version to use this feature.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            and a tick box that says Email required on new order.
            this refers to the email to the merchant

            the feature to send an email to the customer is supported by V3.5 (if my memory is correct)

            and not any release version older ie V3.11


              Thanks again
              Good to know. It does not create any problems. One last thing re this matter.
              Are you aware of the line in the file. This is an answer I got for adding an aditional recipient by email regarding orders. Can't this be used for that purpose. If not no worries and thanks for your time.



                I'm pretty sure that the option to email an order confirmation to the customer arrived in V4, I have had a look at my V3.5 and can't see it in there.

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