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php surpport in

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    php surpport in


    I have issues with php and logged in customer.
    I've been told by Nadeem Rasool that this is something to do with the script.

    Does anybody have any idea how I need to edit this so it supports php files for logged in customers?

    Many Thanks

    Jay Cee

    Hi there

    I will ask development if they can do anything to allow php scripts to work for logged in customers. Once i have found some information, i will place it here.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi there

      Just got some feedback back from the development team. I'm afraid its not good news, it seems this cannot be achieved, having php work alongside with perlscripts.
      The reason for this is that perl can only output html text. When the webserver reads the perlscript, its calls on the perl compiler, which simply compiles and executes the perlscript. The compiler can parse the script to output a html text, but as far as i know thats all. There is no way of having a perlscript output/running a php file.

      Of course if anyone does have any further information, please feel free to comment to this thread with your thoughts and links

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Is there any over laungage?


        Thanks for the help so far. Is there any over laungage I can us to show query results once a user is logged in?

        i.e asp?

        Many Thanks

        Jay Cee

        P.s All my tables are currently in Mysql


          Hi there,

          I'm afraid not, from reading up on it, it seems perl only output is html text, nothing more. So any server side include cannot function likewise ASP pages.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            How about perl?


            Can the current perl be adjusted to query mysql?

            Jay Cee


              Hi there

              I believe there is a plugin with MySQL and Perl but I'm afraid i don't know much about it. It something that is not needed with Actinic.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                One kludgy way that might work is to use PHP to return an image containing the query results. This will survive being passed through the Perl scripts.


                in your generated HTML refer to an image like this

                <img src="phpresults.php?arg1=one&arg2=two&arg3=three">

                now your PHP reads the parameters from the argument list, generates an image and uses PHP's imagestring function (or the Freetype extensions) to add text to that image, finally outputting the image via the e.g. imagejpeg function.


                Another slightly less Kludgy and more textual method is to have PHP generate JavaScript containing lots of document.write statements. Again this will survive Perl parsing as the PHP script is called once the page is finally sent to the browser.


                <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="myquery.php?arg1=one&arg2=two&arg3=three" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

                Now your PHP does it business and returns plain text JavaScript via echo statements like

                // myquery.php
                echo "document.write('Line 1 of output')";
                echo "document.write('<br>')";
                echo "document.write('Line 2 of output')";

                I've had to use these Kludges recently. See for a page that's using both.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Hi Norman

                  Nice solutions, i will bookmark this thread


                  Kind Regards
                  Nadeem Rasool
                  SellerDeck Development


                    Brilliant just need a little help?


                    Thanks for everybodies input.

                    I'm just a little stuck and need some help.

                    I've managed to embed my java in the php. but, I'm can't seem to call in up

                    I'm probley being a bit stupid as I'm not brilliant at these things (especially on a Friday)

                    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="myquery.php?arg1=one&arg2=two&arg3=three" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

                    what are the "arg1=One" ? do I have to edit these to my php?

                    Many Thanks

                    Jay Cee


                      Sorry about that it was just a friday moment

                      Cheers every body. It was just a friday moment I was having, all works now

                      Brilliant Thank you all very much

                      Jay Cee


                        addition question?


                        Know that I've got this working I would like to know is there any way that the login script can be adjusted to also login to mysql as currently the customer has to enter their details twice.

                        Once for actinic then again in the catalog to access the data in Mysql that i show in php?

                        Any Ideas?

                        Jay Cee

                        P.s Thank you for the help so far.

