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different sections, same layout, different look?

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    different sections, same layout, different look?

    I have implemented the 3-column layout recommended here and it appears great, and use it as the overall default layout for my shop. It is used in five sections. Three sections appear fine, but two are "squashed" in that the columns do not stretch across the body. They all "use parent", therefore are apparently derived from the same coding. I exported the site and looked at the hierarchical file as an "easy" way of spotting differences that might explain the oddity. I can see NO differences at all between the products, layout settings, etc. (Expect obvious necessary ones like product numbers, image names) All the products in the sections are duplicates. Has anyone any ideas where this problem could be happening?
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

    I've worked out what is happening, but still can't track down where to fix it. Fundamentally, the division by numcols=3 doesn't seem to result in an even spread across the page, so it depends on the size of something (product name?) for the column width. Hence small name=small column=messy layout. I'd rather have the body width at 100% to allow for different screens, but am now stuck. Can anyone point me to the right template?
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


      Hi there

      I'm afraid without looking an example on a website which shows where the problem is, i could not make a guess. Please could you post the url to where the problem is and where it working.

      Many thanks.
      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        You will need to set height & width on your Act_SectionLine.html so they always keep the same size. You will have to allow enough width for the longest Product Name and enough height for section description and image.

        Try keeping all your descritions to the approx the smae amout of words
        Owner of a broken heart


          Hi Nadeem
          The site is currently on your trial server - number 12389. (Daren't appear in public yet!) The worst section for the appearance is Sports. They all have the same problem - (I reduced to two columns to make it look slightly better) in that the spread is not equal, even if the two products are smaller than the width total. Any help would be appreciated,
          thanks, Anf
          New Year - new YOU!
          (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


            Might as well give us the URL on the test server so we could look at it.
            Owner of a broken heart


              URL is
              Thanks in anticipation,
              New Year - new YOU!
              (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


                Do you mean on this page
                Attached Files
                Owner of a broken heart


                  yes that's it. As you can see, the images are not lined up, yet my understanding of the coding for multiple columns is that it divides by NUMCOLS, and derives the column width?
                  New Year - new YOU!
                  (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


                    These are product templates not sections so my original post will not work.

                    These things can look really bad if you don't make all the images the same size.

                    I have a template as on that will do what you are after. Contact me off list if you wish to dicuss this.

                    This does not use NUMCOLS but a fixed width.
                    Owner of a broken heart


                      I'm beginning to think fixed width is the way to go as there is no way the images can be the same height and width.... I just thought NUMCOLS did the sums!
                      ps Loved the hats and dolls!
                      New Year - new YOU!
                      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


                        If you have different sized images then you would be best creating a new product layout with the images centred and the text beneath - at least that will keep the majority of the layout in-line with each other.

                        If you centre the columns that will also lend a hand to the layout - ensuring that the image is not bigger than the ACTSWIDTH / number of columns plus a bit of padding so you don't force the cell outwards with a large image

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

