Help - I'm trying to preview the Catalog and keep getting the following message, despite going into it several times, unapplying and re-applying UK to the 'Limited by location' 'Configure Valid Locations' for my 4 payment types.
Client only wants to take orders from and ship to UK. I have 2 vat rates as they have some zero-rated good. Any ideas why I keep getting this?
You have elected to only accept orders from locations specified in Shipping and Payment zones.
After cross-checking the locations in all zones, some regions have been found that are not a member of the Shipping and Payment zones.
In order to prevent presenting the buyer with the option of electing an invalid location on the web-site, any locations that have been specified in other zones but not the Shipping and Payment zones should either be removed or they should be added to the appropriate Shipping and Payment zone(s).
Alternatively, you can remove the requirement for only allowing orders from locations in the Shipping and Payment zone(s).
A full list of the invalid locations is given below or you can view them in Notepad by clicking 'View':
United Kingdom is used in Shipping but is not selected for any Payment zone
Where or what are the 'other zones' - I can only find the United Kingdom ones I set it for???
Jo T
Client only wants to take orders from and ship to UK. I have 2 vat rates as they have some zero-rated good. Any ideas why I keep getting this?
You have elected to only accept orders from locations specified in Shipping and Payment zones.
After cross-checking the locations in all zones, some regions have been found that are not a member of the Shipping and Payment zones.
In order to prevent presenting the buyer with the option of electing an invalid location on the web-site, any locations that have been specified in other zones but not the Shipping and Payment zones should either be removed or they should be added to the appropriate Shipping and Payment zone(s).
Alternatively, you can remove the requirement for only allowing orders from locations in the Shipping and Payment zone(s).
A full list of the invalid locations is given below or you can view them in Notepad by clicking 'View':
United Kingdom is used in Shipping but is not selected for any Payment zone
Where or what are the 'other zones' - I can only find the United Kingdom ones I set it for???
Jo T
