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Component Permutation issue

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    Component Permutation issue

    Good Evening. Yes it's that time of night when I run up against issues!

    I have a list of permutations derived from 4 sizes and 6 shapes. However, some of the permutations aren't manufactured...

    ...I have deleted these from the list, with the issue that the deleted permutation can be added to cart at no cost and nothing to say that the product is unavailable.

    ...I have left them in the permutation list and unchecked 'valid', but now I'm anable to order any permutation.

    Am I missing something obvious, or does someone have a work round for this?

    Many thanks in anticipation,

    I have a permutations problem on a client's site too - permutations are coming up at $0.00 - even thoguh they have price and the pricing model is setup as product + component - it's MOST perplexing...

    again - I have snapshot if someone in support needs to take a look...
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      Hi there

      ..I have left them in the permutation list and unchecked 'valid', but now I'm anable to order any permutation.
      When you try to order, what happens? do you get an error message?

      Greg, if you have a snapshot, then might i suggest in registering a email support ticket at: (Actinic US Clients)
      If you client is using a UK build of Actinic, then register an email support ticket at:
      There they will ask you for a snapshot, which you can then send to them.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development

