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Product Visible Field in Actinic Catalog DB

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    Product Visible Field in Actinic Catalog DB

    Hi All,

    Currently our Products are linked to an Access database which holds our item info. Our customers are split into 2 tiers, tier1 needs to see all products and tier2 can see only certain products.

    I've catered for this by creating a tier1 customer group and allocating it to the appropriate customers. Then I can go into each product and where the product should only be seen by tier1 customers I've de-selected the Product Visible icon against the Retail group.

    This all works ok, however I'm trying to automate the de-selecting of the Product Visible process by using SQL/Access query and can't seem to track down where the "Product Visible icon against the Retail Group" is stored in the Catalog DB.

    Can anyone point me to the correct table?

    Thanks in advance,

    Lee Daniels

    Hi Lee,

    If you open "ActinicCatalog.mdb" and look at "ProductProperties" table. Here where the "ntype" is 4 for "Price Schedule", you would want to change "bFlag3" for product visable.

    I have a database documentation for v7 which explains the fields, if you email communityadmin [@], i will email you the information.

    Mark it for my attention.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem,

      Thanks for the pointer. Bar a couple of generic rows in this table it was empty and didn't contain any rows for my products.

      So I manually marked one of my products as not visible to the retail group and a new record for this product was added to the ProductProperties table.

      Using your suggestions I could then do what I wanted to do originally, which was to write an append query to automatically populate this where relevant.

      All now works fine,


      Lee Daniels

