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CGI error?

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    CGI error?

    Hi there

    Having a problem with our site the index page loads ok but when you try and enter the shop you get a page cannot be found error. Also the address bar reads

    The problem started after we started advertising on If you hit our advert on this site you then get the error. I don't know if a cookie or something is loaded that causes a problem??

    Any help would be appreciated


    The link should be .....


      Thanks for the reply

      But.. when you hit the advert our index page loads ok, but when you click on the products link to enter the shop that is when the error appears and reads the page cannot be found and it is at this point that the address bar reads



        ah right I see what you are saying...I can change the manual links on the front page to but how do I change the link for the products button? Should I change the path for the cgi bin in the network setup?

        Also has this bneen caused by the ISP changing their file structers around because the site has been working fine for about 12 months?

        Thanks Stu


          I can't see where the product link is incorrect....on the top horizontal bar it is correct

          I would imagine that the fault lies with the link that bikemagic use to reach your site. I can't see your ad on their site so I can't check it out for you


            We've had the ad taken off their site.

            But if you go to our site you can see the incorrect link at the bottom of the browser before you click.

            So if you go to click "enter shop" you'll see at the bottom of the browser "




              When linking from an external site to a perl script you need to add an ACTINIC_REFERRER= value in, with the value being the URL of your acatalog folder.

              In your case it will be



                Thanks for the reply

                Should this code be added even if the linked site only points to the homepage and not a product in the shop?

                Alos if this code needs to be added to all links going into the shop from the homepage how would I change the default product link button? I can change the links on the product graphics on the front page manually in Dreamweaver but can't see where in developer I would change the product link.

                Thanks Stu


                  Alos if this code needs to be added to all links going into the shop from the homepage
                  It doesn't. Any link from a page controlled by Actinic will be fine. It is only links coming from external sites which can casue the problem.


                    hhmm... ok sorry i'm being a bit slow on this, so....

                    A site linking to the homepage of our site should use

                    And if a site is linking directly into a product within our shop they should use

                    Is that correct?


                      You are correct.

                      You only need to add ACTINIC_REFERRER=blahblahblah to the link if you are linking to a perlscript file (i.e. there is or similar in the address).


                        Ok thanks

                        but that doesn't solve my problem the link from the advert is to our homepage so the homepage opens ok. The error only appears when you then enter the shop.

                        And this error only occurs when you use the link from this particular advert. So could this advert be placing some kind of tracking cookie etc into the browser that causes a problem?



                          I honestly have no idea about this one - I would need to see the advert in action for myself. What is the link that the ad is using?


                            Ok I've switch the site to a new server and am still getting the same error?

                            The link/advert is on on the left hand side to towards the bottom of the page. They're using the link (as we've changed the domain name for the new server was .com).

                            Again if you hit the link our front page loads ok but when entering the shop we get the error.

                            Thanks Stu


                              Did you manage to resolve the /cgi-bin/acatalog problem?

                              I have had some customers over the past few months reporting exactly the same problem, with product links converting to

                     etc. for no reason I can understand. I see that the advert from BikeMagic now seems to work OK and the Products link on your site goes to the correct place.

                              Did you find any reason for it that you have now fixed? Would appreciate any advice
                              Keith Milsom
                              Left handed products and information

