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HSBC payment authorisation transaction error

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    HSBC payment authorisation transaction error

    Our online store has just gone live - Everything worked fine in test mode using HSBC ePayments. Howver when in process mode you receive the following error message when transferring from our site onto the secure HSBC site:
    "The following error occurred during the payment authorisation: Transaction was rejected by HSBC. Message The Transaction failed because of invalid input data"
    If anyone can help sort out what is causing thisto occur it would be much appreciated.

    Hi there

    The error message implies that HSBC does not like the address details that is passed across. Have a look at the following Knowledge base article. It might be what you need to resolve this issue.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi, the KB link above is now broken - but just to say that I had this error message - so I rang HSBC, and 20 minutes of talking them through my site later, they made it live and it got rid of this message.

