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HEEELP javascript Error ? or very bad Day ???

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    HEEELP javascript Error ? or very bad Day ???

    Hello fellow actinic users,

    Today I've noticed some weird things with my V7.02 site at

    I've made some test with IE and Firefox on my machine and got different results :
    1) When I add an item to the cart I've got the small javascript error logo at the bottom left of my screen with IE (but I don't have it with Firefox).
    2) When I already have an item in the cart and I choose to see the cart content I don't have the javascript error.
    3) When I'm on a product page and I proceed to checkout I've got the small javascript error logo at the bottom left of my screen with IE (but I don't have it with Firefox).
    4) In the "shopping cart" page, when I click on the checkout button I got an html page with an error message such as "this script is not allowed on this server" with IE, but with Firefox it work.

    With a second machine I got 1), 2) and 3) but not 4)
    with a third machine after puting an item in the cart I was redirected to the main catalog page (not the page of the Item I selected) and when I tried to see the cart content it always said the cart was empty...

    All in all things are falling apart or I'm really in a bad day (I also had troubles with my local network and at 8 PM to end this positive working day I had no more internet connexion at my office )

    Can some of you make some tests on my site ?
    Maybe I've made a mistake while editing some templates or maybe my scripts got corrupted (I already erased the scripts in my site1 directory and replaced them with the ones from the "original" directory and made a refresh)

    Any help appreciated.
    User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

    The link http://www.tensiometre/com/acatalog/ doesn't seem to work.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Testing and I get the following error in the Cart

      Act_DropListBox is not defined.

      It looks like you're trying to show some Section Navigation, but haven't included the JavaScript function ACT_DropListBox(ar) in the template you use for the Cart bounce page.

      As this is a bounce page you may find it easier to remove the code that uses that function.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks Norman, I've removed the code.
        User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera

