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Cart Cookies

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    Cart Cookies

    I realise this is a topic often spoken about, but i cannot seem to find the answer. I would like my cart cookies to expire so that next time the user visits the store their basket will be empty? Is this possible. I have set my cookie to expire after 1 hour in Web | Configure expiry periods. This does not seem to help as i went to the site after an hour and the basket contents were still there.

    2 questions

    1) Have i ommited something in error? Is this why my cart is not emptying out?

    2) Is there a way to delete the cart cookie when the user closes the browser or afet any other action.

    I have seen posts about having a an onclick function when a user cancel a purchase, but what if he simply closes the window??



    Hi there

    I'm afraid what you are asking cannot be achieved at the moment, with the current build of Actinic. There has been thread before discussing this...
    On the link, see my answer on the 11th post.

    The only answer i have seen, is this thread

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

