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Forms Headache

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    Forms Headache

    Hi Guys
    Having another nightmare !!

    Im trying to ad a simple newsletter subscription form to each product page
    on in the blank product used as a title on each product page

    I have found a few other posts on this forum to do with it, one warned about
    the problem with nested forms and suggested to use an </form> tag just before the new form. This didnt work, Ive also tried adding a NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTFORMBEGIN after my form and this worked in as far as the subscription form now looks ok and works fine, however you can no longer add any item to the cart!

    If anyone else has solved this I would be grateful for any advise, im tearing whats left of my hair out!!

    cheers guys


    It depends on the type of page. I think that what you're trying above will only work on "Quantity on Product Page" type sections without the Single Add to Cart option.

    If you use Quantity on Product Page then each product is self-contained within its own form and you should be able to use your own <FORM>...</FORM> inside a brochure fragment without needing any extra tags.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman, great advice as usual

      Ive done as you suggested and its working but far from perfect

      I dont like the quantity on product page feature at all, quantity in the cart is a much more natural way to do it. I tried to get round this by making the bounce delay long so the process would be similar but for some reason we have a different cart showing! doh! our ususal sales message is missing and the navigation buttons are gone.

      Still the newsletter feature is one i want to keep so Ill be trying to get round this

      If anyone has any ideas that would be great


        It might be easier to put your form in Act_Primary.html where you can easily find places that are outside existing <FORM> tags. If you only want this form to show on Product pages, then rename your customised Act_Primary.html and use that version as your Primary Template only for products.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          I did experiment with that, but decided aginst it because I couldnt work out how to use NETQUOTEVAR:PAGEHEADER in both the text next to the form and in a hidden field which would tell me what particular tshirt the customer was interested in

          It looked as though to do it that way would mean a whole lot of hand coding or a template for each product section

          was i doing something wrong to have this problem?

          Thanks for all your help Norman

