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    I am having a problem with some products and the way they are appearing. Is it happening for you ?

    If you go to this URL - everything is fine.

    If you go to this one the price on the second shoe is missing, But, if you right click the picture go properties, then click ok the table expands and you can see the price!

    Any one got any ideas on this one? Both Earls are using the same base templates but randomly render differently.. ARrghh... I am going cross eyed trying to find the problem, anyone seen this before? I am convinced that there is a " missing but cant find it. Any help, insperation greatly appreciated...


    ps firefox just renders it as a wide table but you can see the price...

    I can't see the price on shoe 301 (2nd link) until it expands. See no details on r-h side for shoes 401 at all unless I expand beyond the edge of the screen. It appears that the 100% screen size is different in the two cases. Is this because there are two images on the 401 shoe? (IE6)
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


      Can I suggest you change the product template to a standard actinic one to see if everything is okay with that. I think you may have an error in your product line template that is stopping the cell show all the info.

      If you have a 100% table but a fixed size inner cell
      Owner of a broken heart


        This is a Norcat generated site, so be careful with the Product Template (Norcat_ProductLine.htm). The standard Actinic one won't work properly.

        For correct operation, this template should be duplicated as Norcat_ProductLine-NoImage.html which should be kept identical to Norcat_ProductLine.html with the single exception being that NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE should be commented out .e.g. <!--NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE-->

        This is used as a bit of a kludge to allow you to have more than one image per product, and to persuade Actinic to upload and maintain these images for you. Extra images are attached to products that don't use an image, and the image isn't displayed (in the wrong place) because the -NoImage template is used for these helper products.

        You can get the original templates from under Downloads. It may be easier to use these and try again from scratch.

        PS. This will be made MUCH easier in NorcatV4 (due real soon now) where image uploads will be done less clumsily and the the extra -NoImage template will no longer be needed.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

