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Problem linking to my catalog from various pages

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    Problem linking to my catalog from various pages

    Hi - I have a problem linking to my catalog from various pages.

    Clicking on the the Products (Catalog) link on my homepage links to me to (i,.e itself)

    Clicking on the the Products (Catalog) link within a brochure page links to me to (an old index page that is no longer live)

    Clicking on the the Products (Catalog) within a section page within the catalog links me correctly to

    My homepage and all of the shop section pages uses the Act_primary template and has <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREF"/> in the header.

    All of my brochure pages uses the brochure_primary template and has <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREF" FORCED=NETQUOTEVAR:BASEHREFFORCED/> in the header.

    The link to the shop on each page uses NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCATALOGLINK. The base page name in Design Options is shop.html.

    I'm sure that this is something simple that I have overlooked but I cannot seem to pinpoint it.

    See For Outdoors Home Page

    Hi there

    When I click 'Products' on the page, it takes me to

    You could try going to Design|Options|Site Defaults, and change the base page name to index.html, then upload your site.

    That should overwrite the old index page that is up there, and also correct the product links as long as the catalog pages are using the same primary templates...

    Hope that helps


      Question for James if I may. What exactly does the "base page" refer to? The Home page? Or the Shp Page? If you use Actinic as the sole site, you want the home page to be index.html and the shop shop.html surely? I am having some problems assigning a link to a graphic on the home page which will lead people to the shop (i.e. the main product page). What is the correct path to input?

      Also, if I refer to pages within Actinic do I have to specify the full path? Presently I am just employing the local paths, as I thought the software would figure out what I am doing!

      Kind regards
      Kind Regards

      Charmed Cards & Crafts


        The base page is the first shop page, so you can call this index or shop...

        If you are hardcoding links to other pages in you're site, then you will need to include the url of where they exist on the webserver, i.e.

        Hope that helps


          Hi James,

          Thanks for the reply. If I call the shop page index.html, then this will be the landing page, will it not? I want this to be the brochure's "Home" page.

          Kind regards
          Kind Regards

          Charmed Cards & Crafts


            If you call the shop page (base page) index, this will still be the first page you come to when you enter the shop.

            You can remove brouchure pages, so that you site only consists of the shop... the url for this would be

            To remove brouchure pages from you're site, simply delete them from the content tree within Actinic, then they will not appear on the site.

