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Having Catalog installed in 2 places - query

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    Having Catalog installed in 2 places - query

    Hi there, we recently set up an online store for a client (a florist) using Actinic Catalog 6. It is all implemented now and running fine.

    However, the client has 2 physical stores in different locactions and works from home a lot. We update various files each month from our agency and email them to her - she then puts these in her site folder and updates the site. She does this from one of the shops - but would now prefer to do this from home. She does have strong reasons for wanting this change.

    Is it possible to install Actinic at her home and use this for her to carry out all file uploads and updates? And, leave actinic installed at the shop and use it solely for order downloads?

    I understand that she'd never be able to use the software at work for updates again as there'd be older files on this machine and it would put the site out of sync updating from 2 different sources, etc.

    All she'd have to do would be snapshot the store, install Actinic at her home PC, upload the snapshot. Then ongoing just retrieve orders at work, and make changes to site layout etc at home?

    Is this something we can do? Are there further issues with this than the 1 I have considered above? Any settings we can tick to safeguard from any complications?

    Many Thanks, David.

    Hi David

    That is basically it, you would need to get a snapshot from the current uploading machine, then take it to the new machine at home which you have installed Actinic on, then import the snapshot...

    A couple of points to bare in mind.

    Both machines would need to be running the same version of Actinic.

    You may want to suspend ordering from the current machine, View|Business settings|Ordering, then wait half an hour, then download orders again - this way you can be sure you have all the orders...

    Then take a snapshot, then import it on the new machine, then allow ordering on the website - then go to Web|Refresh website.

    The reason for suspending ordering, is so that you can be sure that you have downloaded all the orders onto the correct machine, otherwise you may find the credit card details are missing when you download on the new machine as the encryption keys will be different on the two machines.

    But apart from that, cant think of any other hurdles you may come across.

    Hope that helps

