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    Hi there.

    My live details of cart items and value doesn't update when items are added to the cart. This happens in NS7, IE6 and Firefox.

    Having browsed thru previous posts have seen mention of the actiniccore.js being in the acatalog folder and it appears to be there.

    The site is hosted by 1&1 and, as far as I am aware, is running apache/linux configuration.

    Hope someone can help please.
    Now in the process of actinicing this site <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a>.

    Hi Martin

    Nice looking site , checking the source of your website and it seems your basehref is incorrect. It has it listing as:

    <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE=""/>
    but it should be:
    If you go to "Advance | Network Setup", change the "Catalog Url" to the above, and the cart item should work.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Very very nice site !!!
      I really like the Head Up Display for the car
      Maybe for next christmas

      More seriously, you can try setting the Expiry Period for the shopping cart to 24 hours it seems to have solved this kind of problem for my site.
      User of Actinic since V3 and living on the French riviera


        wow - how do get it to load so fast!? The homepage appeared instantly and all the other pages are fast too...

        who are you hosting with? is it on a dedicated server...?


          Originally posted by jxm28788
          wow - how do get it to load so fast!? The homepage appeared instantly and all the other pages are fast too...

          who are you hosting with? is it on a dedicated server...?
          Thanks for the advice and comments.

          The site is hosted with 1&1 and is on a shared server. I have tried to keep image sizes down and linked to additional external style sheets for colours etc.

          The loading comment is extremely appreciated as I have no way at present of checking it on a 56k modem. So if anyone wants to try I would be grateful for feedback.

          Nadeem - I am going in now to alter the baseref - thanks
          Now in the process of actinicing this site <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a>.


            Originally posted by Nadeem
            Hi Martin

   seems your basehref is incorrect. It has it listing as:

            but it should be:

            If you go to "Advance | Network Setup", change the "Catalog Url" to the above, and the cart item should work.

            Kind Regards
            Have checked the network setup and the catalog url doesn't include the (") element. Have uploaded again, cleared cookies and it still don't work for me.
            Now in the process of actinicing this site <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a>.


              This is deninitely to do with you having 2 different URL's for your site. If I go to and add something to the cart, I'm eventually redirected back to where the cart summary is wrong. If I now return to then the summary starts working.

              You should talk to whoever implemented this dual name system and see if they can help.

              Technically. The cart summary is stored in a cookie. Your site appears to be at but your cgi-bin is at
              The cgi scripts set the cookie (valid for the domain) containing the cart summary, but that cookie isn't valid for pages hosted on

              You really need your cgi-bin to be e.g. for the cookie to work.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                Many thanks. I have changed everything (I think) that relates to sureguard to now point to stylingcentre and it appears to have solved the problem.

                The dual domain originates from initial testing and having to point domains at various other places. This was the only way I could get a site up at the time.

                Now the domain issue has been resolved and things look OK.

                Once again thanks.
                Now in the process of actinicing this site <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a>.

