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BIG problem w/ Duplicate Products

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    BIG problem w/ Duplicate Products

    I am not a happy camper right now. I use duplicate products extensively on my site. An extremely useful feature for me. However, I just realized that if a product dropped to zero and was suspended, when quantity was added, the duplicates are not updated correctly. The quantity on hand (w/ the new stock) is displayed on the duplicates correctly. However, the input box to order a quantity is not displayed. Even though quantity on hand is 50, there is no input box, and the message "out of stock" is displayed. I just had to go through every single duplicate through my set, and click "reset", "apply" to get the box back.

    I use the add page feature, rather than individual items, if that makes a difference.

    It would be REALLY nice if there was a "reset" all button! Of course, it would be even nicer if the duplicates updated correctly.

    This is a really big problem for me. Is this a known bug? When will it be corrected?


    I should have mentioned that I'm running version 7.03.



      Hi Pat,

      tracking duplicates is something that has been covered before - I think it has been added to the wish list.

      It would indeed be VERY helpful if you were able to track duplicates and update all or those selected - even selecting which parts of the duplicate should be updated... wishful thinking .....

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Does anyone from Actinic have any information on this? This is such a huge issue for me. Just to reiterate -- if a product goes out of stock, the quantity box is removed, and "out of stock" is displayed. When I stock back up, the quantity box is displayed again on the master item. However, that box is NOT put back on ANY of the duplicates. The duplicates display the correct quantity on hand, but they still say "out of stock".

        I use duplicates extensively. The problem above is a massive problem for me. I might could even live with manually updating -- if I had a way to find them. Right now I receive stock for 100 items, and I have to do a search one by one on each of those 100 items to see if I need to fix them manually everywhere they are located.

        Just to tell you have significant this is...I sell scrapbook paper. Patterned papers. I also have a huge stock of solid paper. I match that solid paper with the various patterned papers, and use duplicates to show the solids with all the patterns it can go with. So you can see that I have duplicates all throughout my site. Duplicates has been a huge boost to my sales for solid papers, but a nightmare since I realized the error.




          Hi Pat,

          I have tried to recreate this issue on a 7.0.3 Default site, and it seems to work for me.
          Here are the steps i done from a default site.

          1. Create a new section called 'Special Offers'.
          2. On the 'Basic Product' section, right clicked on "Calculator" and selected 'Duplicate Product'
          3. Dragged the 'Duplicate Product' to the 'Special Offers' sections
          4. Set the stock level for the main 'Calculator' to 2
          5. Uploaded to localhost and place an order for calculator with a quantity of 3
          6. Downloaded the order then done an upload
          7. Checked the online store, this showed 'Out of Stock' for both 'Calculator' products.
          8. Now on the main 'Calculator' product, set the stock to be 4, clicked on apply.
          9. Uploaded again, and checked website, both 'Calculator' products have an add to cart button

          So it not happening for me, how many duplicate products do you have? Please could you advise on that.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Nadeem, I have 100s duplicates.

            Based on what you said, I did a bit of testing. Here is what I've found.

            If I create the duplicate WHILE THE MASTER IS OUT OF STOCK, the duplicate's purchase box doesn't get added back when stock as received.

            If I create the duplicate WHEN STOCK DOES EXIST, then the stock drops to suspended, then stock is received, the box is added back as it should be. This is the scenario you described.

            Hope this helps.



              Hi Pat,

              I have been in discussions with the development team, and there is a bug raised for this, which will be fixed in a future release.
              The workaround i can see, would be to highlight the duplicate product and click on the "Reset" button. Once you have done this, then click on "Apply".
              Should reset the duplicate product stock to have the master product stock.

              Kind Regards
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Thank you, Nadeem. I did reset all my duplicates last week, just as you described. The problem, of course, is finding them all, and the time it takes to do this. As I said, I have 100's! Hopefully the bug will be fixed soon.

                Thanks for your help.


