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Product Images Not Showing

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    Product Images Not Showing

    I was adding several new products to the Contents. I had saved images into the correct directory and the first product shows up perfectly in Page Preview. Whilst adding the second product, I decided I needed to change the name of the image to be used and renamed it from the General Tab, Image:Browse button. I then selected that image. In Page Preview, a placeholder, the correct size shows but no image, just a red cross.

    Any new image I now add to the Images folder is treated just the same.
    I can select previously saved images and they display correctly.

    The new images can easily be opened in any one of the five image programmes I have so there does not appear to be a problem with the images themselves.

    I have tried a System Restore to no avail

    Any ideas how to correct the problem?

    Thanks in advance

    Chris Running version 7.0.2

    Try right-clicking that broken image (in IE) and see what Properties reports. Or look in the page source for the <img...> tag and report what you see there.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Check that you have not used any 'illegal' characters in the name of the image. I recently named a image 'D&G_logo.gif' and had a similar problem with it not displaying, changing the name to 'DG_logo.gif' sorted it out.

