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Shipping Locations

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    Shipping Locations

    I want to set up a store with a mixture of digital and physical products. I would like the digital products to be availible to anyone to buy no matter where they live. However, I only want to sell and ship the physical products in the UK. Is there any way I can set Actinic so that if someone buys a digital product their location is of no consequence but to buy a physical product they must live in the UK.
    Mark Ebrey
    Swimming Pool Test Strips
    Aquarium Test Strips
    Pond Test Strips
    Home Allergy Testing. Diagnose your allergy symptoms

    Hi Mark

    The only way i can think this can be done, would be to use weights. The physical product will have a low weight, while the digital download can have a high weight.

    Once you have done this, in "View | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling", the classes for the rest of the world will only have the high weight value, while the UK class will have a low weight plus the high weight.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

