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Search Results Ordering

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    Search Results Ordering

    Hello all,

    Is there a way of altering how Actinic sorts search results before they are displayed?

    The current method Actinic uses is to list the results in "Product Reference" order. One of the problems with this is that if you have product duplicates on your site, these are listed first because their "Product Reference" starts 1!

    So, is there a way to change the way Actinic sorts search results? i.e. Products with the searched word in Short Description are listed first.

    Or, at the least, display duplicate products *after* all the main products? Can the duplicate prefix be changed to Z! for example?

    Mandrake Press Ltd

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Hi David

    Can the duplicate prefix be changed to Z! for example?
    I'm afraid not, because this is integal to the duplicate product within the software. This is the way duplicate product works, actinic will use the following:
    "the number of duplicate" ! "product reference"
    So you cannot do this. You could stop the duplicate being index by the search results, to do this, simply go to "View | Search Settings | Search Options" and untick "Index Product Duplicate".
    The results can only be modified by going into "View | Search Settings | Results" and set the display options.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks Nadeem

      I didn't realise that the number before the exclamation mark was to reference the duplicate specifically, I thought it was just a code. Now I know that it all makes sense.

      It's a shame the results can't be re-ordered though . . . one for the future hopefully.
      Mandrake Press Ltd

      <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

