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Product and component problems

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    Product and component problems

    I want to add a top level product, such as a particular style of cushion, i then want choices below that which will allow someone to choose the different sizes which are at different prices, and in the shopping cart i dont want the top level product to be shown. Can this be done (the help seems to indicate it can) and is it only a feature in certain versions?


    Hi Ian

    Here is a short example on how to do this

    1. Add a new product called Test Product
    The price should be set to zero

    2. Add a new product called Test Product 1
    Set the price to be £10.00 and make it hidden

    3. Add a new product called Test Product 2
    Set the price to be £20.00 and make it hidden

    4. Add a new product called Test Product 3
    Set the price to be £30.00 and make it hidden

    5. Highlight Test product and right click on it
    Select the option of New Component. Call the component Link.

    6. Right Click on Link and select Attributes
    7. Call the attributes – Choice
    8. Right click on Choice and select New Choice
    9. Call the first choice – Test Product 1
    10. Right click on Choice and select New Choice
    11. Call the second choice – Test Product 2
    12. Right click on Choice and select New Choice
    13. Call the third choice – Test Product 3
    14. Once you have done this, then simply double click on “Link” and select the Permutation tab
    15. Click on Fill List, and you will get the 3 test products. Where it says Products – Select the individual products, (Ie the first one will be Test Product 1)
    16. Select for pricing “Associated Products” on all three of them
    17. Go to the "General Tab" and tick where it say "Component as Separate Order Line".
    17. Once you have done this, simply click on Test Product, Click on Advance and on the Component tab select “Sum of Component Prices”, and at the bottom you should get "No Order Line for Main Product", put a tick here.
    Thats the way to achieve what you want. This is also useful if you want to have stock on the different choices.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      I do this a lot and it works well.
      I have a question though, Nadeem.
      I always select to "Use associated product name" as well as it usually suits my needs
      I have just listed some pyjamas, however, which are something of a "mix and match"
      You can see them HERE
      Now, I don't use the associated product prices for the trousers/shorts as I offer a reduced total for the combination (IYSWIM) but, with the usual set up (as above and using assoc. product names) the cart/receipt shows the individual items and their prices, rather than the total for the Pyjamas.
      So, it shows Vest ay £5 and trousers at £9 rather than pyjamas at £14.
      If I select NOT to use the associated product names but use to component prices and DE-select the "no orderline for main product" option, will it then show the pyjamas at £14 instead?
      I know I could try it and see but I'll get myself in a muddle trying to work out where I've done it etc. esp with all the duplicates!
      Figure it's easier to just ask the experts!


        Hello Tracey

        If you where to do this, it will show the product name and also the choice name which will equal to £14. Do you want it to just show the main product name without the choice name?

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          hmmmm..yes, I do really.
          So it would just say Emma Jane Pyjamas 14/16 £14
          It just looks untidy otherwise. The alternative is to have it listed as the components which is Emma Jane Pyjama Top (14/16) and Emma Jane Pyjama trousers (14/16) but this also splits the prices down again.


            Hi Tracey,

            I don't think you can stop the choice names from showing in the checkout for one or two products. Any change for this would apply across the whole shop. I've tried to recreate your setup and think the following would be a better option for your pyjama product.

            - Create your pyjama product

            - Create a component for the top colour with an attribute and the two choices. In the permuations tab click the 'Fill List' button and associate the permutations to the 'top' product. Set the 'Pricing' column to 'associated product prices'. (Do not tick the 'Name from associated product' box).

            - Create another component and call it Trousers but in the 'HTML for name' field type 'Vest with pyjama trousers £14' option and make it optional (set as default). Associate this to the pyjama trousers product (only if you want to monitor the stock of the trousers) and do not tick any of the other options. Set the reduced price for these in the 'Prices' tab.

            - Do the same as above for your choice with shorts.

            - Set the 'pricing model' in the 'pyjamas' product to 'sum of components prices'

            This way when you add to basket you will see the component name in the basket rather than the associated product name. You will still get three lines but this time it will be something like the attached image.

            If you want to get rid of the quantities for the components and the component names in the cart then please see this thread.

            I hope this helps.
            Attached Files

