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Edit title name in sub-section

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    Edit title name in sub-section


    Is there an easy way to edit 'sub-section' in Actinic, I want to add a title that will overwrite the default page title (this is also unavailable when creating a ‘New Product’), the page seems to keep the 'title' name from the Index page.

    I also want to add text to the top of a ‘Section’ page above the 'Products' list which would be shown below the text. In Actinic when creating a new sub-section I am able to add ‘Meta keywords’, ‘Meta description’ but not change the title name...there is a 'General' tab which allows me to add some ‘Description’ text, but this is not visible online, this would be handy if this text could be a added to either: the top or bottom or both of the actual ‘Section’ page.

    I’m using Actinic Developer version 6.15 and Dreamweaver MX

    This sounds like an easy thing to change and I’m sure it is, but I must be looking in the wrong places...if not, is this available in the new version 7 or included in the future version 8?

    Can some SEO features, be added to Actinic like Meta Tags and keywords (which are already included), page title naming and possibly Warning messages when too many/low keywords are used or Title too long/short and even a LINKS page and ‘Search Engine’ Submitting tool be incorporated into Actinic?

    As you know SEO is a crucial part of a successful online store and when completing a site in Actinic (which could be a massive job in some cases) we are still not finished and require further assistance from other companies to do some SEO work and it seems features like these would improve your already FANTASTIC product which I strongly recommend to all who want to trade online. And NO I'm not on commission from Actinic!

    Most if not all of your points are already in V7 and some in V6

    You will need to setup sections to show sction lists placement at bottom of page. This way you will be able to have content above the section lists.

    You could also use CUSTOMVARS for textual info (or anything else really)

    I think the wishlist items are are agreat idea.
    Owner of a broken heart


      Originally posted by B_Online
      ‘Search Engine’ Submitting tool
      These are very dubious tools to say the least - most search engines frown on automatic submissions and some incorporate manual intervention to prevent automatic submissions being accepted.

      The problems with building SEO tools into Actinic (or any software) is the ever changing goal-posts the SE work with - as they do not release the criteria they seek then incorporating any sort of guide is limited in it's effectiveness - surely best to let Actinic (or whichever software) do it's own thing (ie create an e-commerce site) and then tweak yourself (with the lots of helpful hints and tips in these forums) or let a SEO expert do their thing with their latest knowledge and experience.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Thanks for the quick reply lads, Hi Jonty, on the submission tool, even a guide for those who have no knowledge of how to submit would help; Even if NOT a submission tool, something that could get a site listed in the most popular search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN. As most of us know, most companies selling SEO work will always GUARANTEE top listings (yeah right) when their selling it to you, that is until you read their Terms & Conditions or until you have paid your money, then you realise that the person who you talk to on the phone to enquire why your site ranks poorly, sounds nothing like the person who sold you the false promise, unless you cough up more cash. I’d rather take advice from a reputable company like Actinic than some small company claiming to be a large company who offer me the world in no-time. Let’s have it right, if you’re not listed in Google, then you have wasted your time and your money.

        According to comScore -, Google now commands 36% of the market with Yahoo taking a 29% share and MSN following at 15%. Although Google is losing ground to Yahoo and MSN, it still commands the most % and is the worlds most popular search engine by a considerable margin. Without the search engines, any website related company including Actinic have nothing, there should be some guidelines within Actinic on this for people who can spend up to £2000 with Actinic, this would help the novice make a knowledgeable decision which would be crucial for their sites to make money. Having such features would not take away work from SEO companies, in my opinion it would increase work for them, as this feature would bring it to the novices attention that SEO work is very important and in order for them to compete at the top level they will need to invest wisely.

        Maybe a link exchange page on this forum for people to join and trade having a link from a high PR page to a brand new site would get that brand new site listed in Google in a couple of days. The fact is something is needed, even if only the basics for SEO is included in Actinic...I'm not expecting Actinic to guarantee a first page listing in Google, but at least Listed sounds reasonable!

        It’s not like the website comes in handy without a search engine.


          Wishlist UNDO / REDO button

          Oh while I'm at it, another feature for the wishlist, could Actinic add an unlimited UNDO / REDO button, sometimes deleting was not the best option and in some cases deleting could easily be a mistake, In the past I have mistakenly deleted a full section that had just been created and had no backup, I lost the lot, it was a very strange feeling. Since computers are prone to errors and of course user error, it would be a great and obvious feature to have since we are talking about peoples livelihood where mistakes are very much unwanted. Or can you tell me if this feature has been added to v7 or will be included in v8.


            I agree with Jont - SEO is too much of a moving target to have a great deal inbuilt into Actinic.

            Algorithms change all the time, so once catalog has got one set of rules applied they will have changed. People who are running older versions of Catalog will have old rules applied.

            V7 has the facility to have unique page titles, unique descriptions and keywords per page. this combined with good product descriptions goes a long way.

            There's only 3 engines worth submitting too google,yahoo, msn. Auto submission is a waste of time.

            Maybe a solution would be to have a sub forum on SEO, I know there is resistance to having to many subforums but there could be a case for SEO. At least all the info would be in one place then.


              Hi Jo thanks for your reply, I must admit SEO is an elusive and ever changing sector and is virtually impossible to master it and maintain permanently but there is defiantly a need for SEO to be discussed in this forum, since Actinic sells the product that requires such an important feature in order to have a successful website.

              There are 3,528 people registered in this forum who would defiantly be interested in how to improve their own sites performance. Since the feedback would be concerned with Actinic stores and I don’t think there is another forum in the world that will discuss SEO primary for Actinic websites, all the tips of what to do and not to do would be invaluable to all concerned.

              Example, Actinic is suppose to be search engine friendly with its pages in HTML etc…well the script that generates the text nav bar, generated by Actinic is not picked up by Google on my site (This might just be because Google don’t read javascript), I added a simple text link after the nav bar and this is picked up by Google, this was important because it add over 30 back links to my site which helps in the overall rankings…simple things like this might not work for all but a discussion on this would give Actinic customers a place to look for improving their own site and I think this would give Actinic another fantastic support feature for its customers.

              With great support like this, how can they lose? It’s a Win-Win situation.


                Hi John,

                be interested in having a chat with you, can you give me a call?

