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psp error in paypal using

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    psp error in paypal using

    I am using Developer version and find that every paypal payment receives the following error.

    The total downloaded in the payment authorisation, $X, does not match the total downloaded with the order, $X.

    I see several posts regarding this back in v6. Is this an known bug and does anyone have a suggestion how to fix it in v7?

    Clark Gray

    Hi there Clark,

    As far as i know, there is not bug within the software present to do with Paypal? Some people i know who post here use Paypal for v7 and have no issue. Please could you provide us with more information?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      More info on PSP error

      Hello Nadeem,

      Thanks for the reply. Well, I run Developer 7 and also have v6 on this machine.
      Each order arrives with a difference of about $4 but not exactly $4. Paypal always charged more than the order actually should be. I checked Paypal to make sure I didn't have some settings there that were conflicting (tax or shipping) and I don't have anything set up there that I can see. Other than receiving this error message upon downloading orders and the difference in amount charged and the correct amount, I'm not sure what else to provide.



        Hi Clark,

        Have you tried to place an order yourself? When you go over to PayPal is the correct amount in the checkout phase? Does Paypal actually charge the correct amount?

        If the answer is 'yes' to these questions then there is possibly something conflicting in the database. Have you ever manually deleted orders from the database? There are four different tables in the database relating to orders, so if you have removed some from one table and not from the others there could be conflicts. If you are not sure, I suggest you register a support query here so that we can investigate further.


          Still having problems

          Hello Tracey,

          Thanks for writing. Yes, I've tried to run through an order and the correct amount appears upon checkout in Paypal but then adds extra when the order is completed. No tax or shipping is indicated when checking out either (which is correct in this case). When the order arrives into Actinic, it indicates an error and has added several dollars to the order. The larger the order, the more it adds. I thought maybe this had to do with some paypal shipping settings from the past but I confirmed the fields were empty and even tried filling them with zeroes to be sure. It seems to me as if it is picking up some paypal shipping fees or something but I can't seem to figure out where it is coming from. I'm not chargine tax or shipping in Actinic.



            This might sound simplistic but as you said The larger the order, the more it adds could it be a currency issue?
            Is something somewhere (within Paypal) charging in a different currency (but same amount) as your cart and so, when converted and downloaded into Actinic, it's reading the wrong amount in £? Perhaps an incorrectly set default currency?
            If you log in and view the Paypal transaction through Paypal, does it show any information other than a straight £ sterling transaction?
            I get paid by paypal frequently (was v7.0.1 and now v7.0.3_ with no problems and we have a lot of experience with Paypal itself. It seems a strange problem


              Hi Clark,

              I suggest you register a support query here so that we can get your snapshot and investigate further.

