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Back ordering part quantity

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    Back ordering part quantity

    Is it possible to back order a part quantity of a single product in version 6.1.3.
    e.g. if a customer orders a product quantity of 10, can I ship a quantity of 6 (from stock) and back order the remaning 4.
    I do have back ordering enabled in Business Settings, but have only worked out how to back order whole product lines.

    Hi there

    Is it possible to back order a part quantity of a single product in version 6.1.3.
    Yes it is.

    e.g. if a customer orders a product quantity of 10, can I ship a quantity of 6 (from stock) and back order the remaning 4.
    When you download this order, you need to go into the order and edit the line item, set the shipped quantity to be 6 then click ok, then close the order.

    Now, right click the order, and select Back Ordering - this will come up with the back order details, say ok to that, then when you edit the ordered again - you will see the Back ordered quatity when you edit the line item will be 4, and will also create a back order line...

    When you have the 4 products in stock again, you can edit the back order line to ship the remaining 4 products.

    Hope that helps


      Thanks James
      I had never double clicked the line item before, to bring up the Order line sub form.
      I have previously just selected "Ship" in the line items (which ships the total quantity)
      Every day I learn something new!
      thanks again

