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Payment Methods

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    Payment Methods


    I'm trying to set up some reports using Cognos Impromptu through the ODBC link and have run into a slight problem.

    I need to analyse sales by the Payment Method as some customers can pay on account, most need to pay by credit card or cheque before delivery. I have found the payment method 'Payment on Account' which is variable 964 in business settings but unfortunately in the table PaymentMethods the field 'sDescription' shows it as a NULL and the field 'sPreprocessedMethodName' is a LONGCHAR which isn't compatible with Cognos by the seems of things.

    Is the any way for me to populate the 'sDescription' field with the correct name through Actinic and if not am I going to destroy the database if I do an update through SQL on the field?

    Could you also email the Schema if possible?

    Mark Bradley


    Is the any way for me to populate the 'sDescription' field with the correct name through Actinic
    This is actually populated in the software from 'Design | Text' Phase -1, ID 964 or you can find it in the 'CheckoutPrompt' Table in the database.

    Could you also email the Schema if possible?
    Your profile will not allow me to e-mail you - can you send an e-mail to communityadmin at requesting the data dictionary for v7 and one will be sent out to you.

