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Search Problem

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    Search Problem


    I'm having big problems with my search facility.

    When I search for certain items, (eg travel, system, baby) the results return ALL the products on the site, yet when I search under different terms it works perfectly.

    I have read other posts about this similar problem and they are suggesting I do the following:

    "Go to 'View | Search Settings | Search Options' and de-select where it says 'Add section information to product text when indexing'." (I'm assuming this is "Add all parent section contents to product text when indexing" on my version)

    The problem is, this stops my search looking at the section names and I still want it to search under these.

    I'm using Developer V 7.

    I'm really stumped - please can anyone help??


    Hi there

    Are you using the meta keywords and meta secriptions on you're site? I have come across it a number of times where people use these at the top level, i.e. the online catalog level in the content tree with Actinic.

    And if you have included travel, system, baby etc... within here, and you were to search for 'baby' then it can return all products.

    The 'Add section information to product text when indexing' checkbox means a products keywords will have all the keywords from the other products in the section added to it for search purposes. When it is not selected, only the product itself will be indexed for the online search.

    Hope that helps

