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Problem uploading changes

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    Problem uploading changes

    I am having difficulty uploading changes, after I have made some changes to to products.

    The program keeps hanging at "creating remote directory structure".

    I have tried to refresh but the same thing happens.


    Also getting the message when refreshing the site as follows:-

    "Unable to connect to the FTP server "*********". The operation timed out"

    Hi Dan,

    Firstly I would check the permission of your /acatalog/ folder. If you have CuteFTP or SmartFTP, then log into your site and check the folder permission. The permission should be 777 (Linux permission). If it is not 777 then please change it to this.

    If you are running a windows server, then the permission for this should be:
    Read, Modify, Write, Read & Execute. Only the hosting company could change these permission for a windows server.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Have tried

      Originally posted by Nadeem
      Hi Dan,

      Firstly I would check the permission of your /acatalog/ folder. If you have CuteFTP or SmartFTP, then log into your site and check the folder permission. The permission should be 777 (Linux permission). If it is not 777 then please change it to this.

      If you are running a windows server, then the permission for this should be:
      Read, Modify, Write, Read & Execute. Only the hosting company could change these permission for a windows server.

      Kind Regards
      Hi Nadeem.

      I have tried your suggestion, however still not up-loading, any other ideas.

      Thanks for


        Hi there,

        If the permission are okay, and you are still getting timeout error when connecting, then it could either be or two things. Either a connection issue, do you have any firewall software installed?, if so have you setup it to allow Actinic to upload. Otherwise it possible it is an issue with the server and you would need to get in touch with the hosting company.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Thank you


          Thanks for your help, it was a problem with the hosting company.

          Thanks again


            Hi Dan

            I know it's been a while since you had this problem, however, I work for a design company and a few of our clients are experiencing the same difficulties.

            Our hosting company is unable to suggest any reason for this. I was wondering if your company actually offered any explanation as to what the problem was and how to solve it.


            Phil Vellender

            WNW Design


              Hi Phil,

              Sorry you have not had a response on this earlier. When someone is approaching a hosting company, I would suggest they send them a mail with the contents of the 'mail2hst.txt' file that you will find in C:\Program Files\ Actinic v X\.. Based on the replies you receive to this questionaire you will be able to decide if Actinic will or will not run on the server.

              Can you check with the Hosting company if the users have the rights to change permissions within directories and if they have rights to create subdirectories and then read form / access them. If the permissions on the folders are correct, if scripts have the right permissions ( GET, HEAD and POST).
              Attached Files
              Bruce King


                Hi Bruce

                Thanks for getting back to me.

                Virtually all the sites in question are on the same server. Some have problems with timeout errors and some don't. So I think the server, as far as what you have suggested, is set up fine.

                After looking around this forum some more I found this post, and have subsequently asked our hosting company to increase the FTP Daemon timeout settings.

                All clients in question also have the 'Use Passive FTP Transfers', 'Ignore Passive Transfer Errors' and 'Use Enhanced FTP' boxes ticked.

                In the 'FTP Options' window, the timeout settings have been doubled and it is set to 'Silent Running' with the 'Maximum Retries' set to 5.

                Hopefully this will see an end to our clients ringing up with these problems!
                Phil Vellender

                WNW Design


                  Hi Phil,

                  Looks like you have got it all covered for now.

                  Kind regards,
                  Bruce King

