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Viewing cataloge with Firefox Browser

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    Viewing cataloge with Firefox Browser


    I have a "default" actinic catalogue set up -- I have really done very little customisation within it.

    I have noticed that if I view the catalogue with the Firefox browser, there are significant differences in the appearance of the site -- mainly to do with the size of the fonts and layout of the text near graphics.

    Before I start making any major changes, has anyone else come across this, and are there any suggestions as to how to make the look and feel similar to IE without having to start special coding?

    Thanks and regards


    Hi Paul,

    which theme are you using? The CSS themes tend to work very well with very minor alterations to browser layout. FF will render slightly different to IE but with correct use of CSS the difference should be minimal and not impinge on the viewers browsing satisfaction.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I am using Business CSS. I will play around with the theme and see if I get a better result. Thanks very much for your help.



        Firefox does tend to render text one size smaller. I do the unforgivable and fix the font size to get round this ie rather than use xsmall, small, medium etc I use 11px etc

        You can look at in both browsers to see how they are the same - not an actinic site but it uses css


          One technique I have discovered to get around this difference (and still allow fonts to be re-scaled) is to change the 'body, table, th, td' bit at the top to say 'font-size: 100%'.

          Then I use 'em' for all the other font sizes. 1.0em gives the equivalent of 'medium' then '0.8em' gives 'small', '0.6em' gives 'x-small', '1.2em' gives large etc. etc.

          The ironic thing about all this is that Mozilla Firefox allows the re-sizing of text that uses 'px' - it's only IE that doesn't!

