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Best way to implement this pricing option?

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    Best way to implement this pricing option?

    I am building a site which sells alloy wheels.

    The customer wants people to be able to buy either a single wheel (for example at £76) and also give the customer the option of buying a wheel and tyre option (therefore 4 x £76 plus the tyres) at a certain price, in this example £390 inc VAT.

    Now the problem is that when I setup a component called '4 Wheels and tyres - package deal' with the price of £390 and people add the option to their basket they get both the 1 wheel (the original item) PLUS the 4 x wheel and tyre option, meaning the basket shows a value of £466 instead of £390.

    How is it best to solve this problem?

    I had thought about just putting the price in actinic for the component minus the original item price (so when added to basket it would total £390) but that seemed a little backward.

    Is there a simpler way??

    If anyone needs to take a look at the site to understand it's and the 14" Alloys section has some example in it of the thing I mean.

    Thanks in advance - Ben

    Create an option for the single wheel/tyre

    add this option to the component.

    In the Product Details just under where you choose the image (Component Pricing) make the choice component prices
    Owner of a broken heart


      Originally posted by garyhay
      Create an option for the single wheel/tyre

      add this option to the component.

      In the Product Details just under where you choose the image (Component Pricing) make the choice component prices
      Hi Gary, hope you are well (don't know if you remember but I still owe you a beer for trying to get that other site up and running for me ) yes, I did consider that but as there is already LOADS of wheels in the catalogue I didn't want to have to go through and add a new component for each one (what can I say - I'm lazy).

      Ah well, guess I'll just get on with it...

