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Error in catalogue pages

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    Error in catalogue pages

    When I go into our actual catalogue pages online, I've suddenly noticed an error. When you load one of the pages the little error icon appears in the bottom left hand corner of the browser. It's the little page icon with a yellow triangle with a "!" in it.

    When I double click it, It gives me the dialog window containing information about the error. Which is this:

    Line: 8
    Char: 173
    Error: Unterminated string constant
    Code: 0
    URL: <The URL of the current page I'm viewing>

    Does anyone know of this problem and what to do?

    The site seems to work ok as orders are still coming through, and the login, and search functions are still ok.

    Please post an URL so we can investigate.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Also - get hold of Mozilla Firefox ( as it has awesome error messages for JavaScript that will help you pinpoint the exact thing causing the error.

